BEES ARE IMPORTANT, FOR GOOD REASON: Without bees, Earth wouldn't be the same! We need bees. With an active Save the Bees movement erupting in the last few years, people are adamant about bee justice. According to Greenpeace, bees are responsible for one in every three bites of food humans consume-spreading this awareness and knowledge is ample reason to celebrate them!
Perfect for:- An informative and insanely fun option for anyone seeking books about bees for adults
- A great resource for general bee enthusiasts, Save the Bees advocates, environmentalists, and beekeepers
- Fans of animal humor books and nature shows
- Followers of #BeeTok and popular bee Instagram accounts
- A buzz-worthy gift for students, aspiring entomologists, gardeners, urban farmers, hikers, and all who want to learn about bees without the academic feel
- Pairing with honey-related gifts for sweet birthday, anniversary, holiday, housewarming, or hostess gift giving
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