How to Play:
It's easy to learn and simple to play; just say it, rate it, and grab it!
Take the lead and draw a card from over 470 love-'em or hate-'em topics, then say it aloud. Now instinctively and secretly rate how you feel about it-Sour, So-So, or Sweet-then put on your best poker face as the other players try to guess your rating. After all, how well do they know you, really?
This is where things can get spicy. When everyone's ready, you all flip over your Rating cards at the same time. If any other players match your rating, then the race is on for them to grab your Topic card and win the point!
Once that madness is over and the disbelieving chat about your rating subsides ("What?! But you've always said you love watching Die Hard at Christmas!"), then the player on your left takes the lead, so you're in the grabbing game now.
The honesty and tension will continue until a player collects seven Topic cards and is crowned the winner!
Who It's For:
Perfect for people with strong opinions and friends who think they know everything about each other.
What's Inside:
476 Topic cards, 24 Rating cards, and English instructions.
TRUTH WILL OUT - Pickles from Ridley's Games will get people talking! Think you know how your friends feel about the things that really matter? We're talking pickles, perms, people who eat from your plate-the important stuff! As you play, things can get juicy; by the end, everyone will certainly have learned more about each other.
SAY IT! RATE IT! GRAB IT! - Pickles is easy to play-you just need to know how you feel! Pick a card, say the topic aloud, and then secretly rate it. Now, the other players try to guess your rating. If there's a match, then the race is on to grab the Topic card and win the point!
FOR PEOPLE WITH OPINIONS - Made for friends who think they know everything about each other, Pickles is suitable for ages 13+, 3-8 players (or more if you're in teams) and takes around 20 minutes to play. This fast-paced party game is often frantic, sometimes thoughtful, and always a jarful of fun!